Belmonte Ballpoint
This versatile typeface features two styles: print and cursive, allowing designers to add both structured and flowing handwritten elements to their projects. Belmonte Ballpoint is crafted to resemble the organic, slightly textured look of ink from a ballpoint pen, capturing the unique imperfections that make handwritten notes so personal. Both styles in the Belmonte Ballpoint family work seamlessly together or individually, providing flexibility for creative projects where a handcrafted look is essential. Belmonte Ballpoint has multilingual characters, three sets of A-Z and 0-9 characters, as well as an extended set of Latin characters. Additionally, this font has its own set of 25 scribble glyphs which are accessible via keyboard shortcuts. Markup your documents as if it were a real pen ;)
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Font specs
Letter Case
Uppercase, LowercaseNumber of Glyphs
HandwritingMore about Belmonte Ballpoint
Belmonte Ballpoint is designed with precision to replicate the nuances of real ballpoint pen strokes, from the subtle pressure points to the slight variations in line thickness, giving it a truly lifelike quality. There are three character sets available for each variant of Belmonte Ballpoint (cursive and print). Each stylistic set has its own set of A-Z and numbers, giving you the flexibility to choose which look best suits your project.