Naturalist is a simple handwritten notes font. It has three sets of A-Z and 0-9 characters in total (and they randomise when you type). Naturalist's printed, handwritten style, organic texture and natural strokes gives each character an authentic, handwritten feel - as though the words were penned on the very paper you hold.
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Font specs
Letter Case
Uppercase, LowercaseNumber of Glyphs
HandwritingMore about Naturalist
Take your notes from bland to brilliant with this bookish handwriting font that captures the essence of your most spirited study sessions. Why is it special? In additional to its custom ligatures, Naturalist includes 2x sets of contextual alternates for each A-Z and 0-9 characters. This means one of the three available characters are selected randomly when double letters are typed. Whether you aim to capture the nostalgic essence of your old school books and study notes or bring a touch of authenticity to complex maths and science manuscripts, Naturalist is your handwritten accomplice.
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Feedback Corner
I've never left a review, but after owning Manic for several months now I have to recommend it. Amazing variety of ligatures and embellishments, and everything is well-organized. It is a bit more of a niche font, if you think you could use it, it's absolutely worth its price.